BEON Tech Studio
GoForClose Logo
GoForClose Logo

Empowering real estate investors to grow their business through state-of-the-art technology

GoForClose researches and finds qualified leads to help real estate investors find and close deals. Their advanced platform provides superior marketing strategies based on an assembly of specialists that go from SEO marketing to Public Relations. GoForClose contacted us looking for a business-oriented engineer to collaborate with them as a technological partner in growing their business. Our team quickly found the ideal candidate that not only stood out for their tech skills but also their leadership and business mindset.
Generating qualified leads through specialized marketing data technology
GoForClose helps real estate investors create successful businesses by providing them highly qualified leads each week. The source of their skill comes through a powerful marketing platform developed by experts in both sales and technology. Which is why we ought to find the exceptional in terms of talent: a full-stack developer specializing in React and Node.js who is also a remarkable leader, able to carry on a whole project forward independently.



20 members


2 full-time devs


4 weeks

How we innovated and gave new light to GoForClose's project

The goal
Provide GoForClose a developer that stood out from the rest not just for their technical skills but also their leadership, creativity, initiative, and project management. This exceptional engineer would not only lead the development of their project but also provide and implement innovative integrations.
The challenge
In just four weeks, we needed to go from zero to hero by giving GoForClose business results through onboarded talent, and we did so in three major steps:

  1. Create a customized strategy to identify exceptional and competitively demanded talent fast with the skills GoForClose needed most.
  2. Fully understand the developer’s career needs and motivators to incentivize them to work side by side with the GoForClose team and go the extra mile, leading the project successfully.
  3. Maintain a long-term relationship between the developer and the client through exceptional Talent Experience Management.
The impact
Our developer, soon after joining GoForClose, successfully completed a number of critical tasks that have not only demonstrated his technical competence but have also contributed significantly to the business and the project.

He updated to the latest Version of Node.js and migrated to a more modern framework, improving the efficiency and security of the system. Also, by addressing the lack of documentation and improving the project infrastructure, the developer contributed to the long-term sustainability of the project.

Staying true to our strategy, he went the extra mile and exceeded the client’s expectations, taking the initiative to develop an additional project that was not in the scope of his originally assigned tasks. He not only demonstrated his ability to innovate but also his commitment to customer satisfaction. This surprise project was so well received that it became a priority for GoForClose, indicating that the engineer we provided can identify and act on opportunities to add value to the business beyond expectations.

Our engineer's ability to complete tasks quickly and with high quality from the beginning has been noticed and appreciated by his coworkers. This efficiency has not only impressed the client but has also established a high standard of work within the team, contributing to a positive and motivating work environment.

A framework focused on retention

We understand that the most valuable asset of any company are its people, and we have seen the mindblowing results a good talent experience management strategy based on retention can have on business growth. This strategy is the key to ensure the best engineers stay personally aligned with your business goals in the long term in a win-win relationship.

This motivated us to develop our Talent Experience Management Framework™. Which consists of dedicated Talent Experience Managers (TEMs) that diligently support the careers of software developers, ensuring their motivation and dedication. Through this framework, we helped GoForClose’s developer with his career doubts and aligned his professional goals with the business goals of our client, creating a golden and highly returning partnership.
We keep track of the engagement and productivity of each team member.
We care about our developers' emotions, enthusiasm, and expectations.
We identify areas for growth and provide support to help our talented individuals thrive and be recognized.

Be our next success story